‘Bread Scientist’ and more ridiculous job titles

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You know those really obnoxious government jobs that get the name makeover? I was thinking about them. And of how fun it is to come up with equally ridiculous job titles for a myriad of positions out there. They try so hard to make the moribund sound appealing and worthwhile. Please join in.

Enter the following job titles into a government think tank and watch these sort of results spew forth.


Dish washer becomes —> Kitchenware Technician

Burger flipper becomes —> Patty Chef

Postman —> PDE (Packages and Delivery Expert)

Vending machine stocker —> Food and Libation Facilitator

Gym instructor —> Obesity Prevention Representative

Coffee maker —> Barrista…

Pilot —> Gravity Defiance Commander

Librarian —> Word Resources Manager

Artist —> Colour Merchant

Cleaner —> Hygiene Specialist

Politician —> Master Evader of Reality and Truth..

Some are a bit hit and miss but you get the jist. Fire away!

14 thoughts on “‘Bread Scientist’ and more ridiculous job titles

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  6. Indeed there is such treasure trove of wacky titles! 🙂


  7. Good ones. The guy from the old paper mart who comes to collect bales of old paper for a price, calls himself “Antique Collector” 🙂 LoL!


  8. I was a librarian and my job description was “Information Landscape Manager”.


    1. Wow – that’s a great one, convoluted, impossible to tell its a librarian job. Thanks for looking in!


  9. I love the occupations that have disappeared. Stage coach driver, whipper, blacksmith, and his brother whitesmith.


    1. I was history teacher Miami Dade Schools 33 years.


      1. I was a history teacher in Broward County for twenty seven years and three years in Polk. Where did the time fly?


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