GPs: Generally Useless Doctors

THE NHS (National Health Service) has deliberately been sabotaged by Jeremy Hunt and the Tory party agenda, desperate, so very desperate to give private entities the keys to Britain’s health.

But the GP’s (General Practitioner), the doctors people see for routine appointments have been disturbingly awful for as long as I can remember.
For non-UK readers, a British person has to book an appointment with a GP before they can be seen for any further treatment.

GP’s are paid upwards of £80,000 a year. You would think that would guarantee expertise. It does not.
Long before the latest strike action and Tory-led decimation of the British health services, GP’s have been so incredibly terrible at their jobs, I hate to think the amount of people who have suffered or died needlessly due to their collective incompetence and malpractice.

GP’s are medically trained doctors, sometimes with a specialisation in a certain field.
The trouble is, they are the gatekeepers to accessing further investigation from actual specialists.
They really work to put the general in GP: generally useless. Unless you want pills, in which case they’re good with pill dispensing.

The longstanding joke is that you go to the GP, and they tell you to come back in two weeks if the symptoms you are experiencing persist. And take a handful of paracetamol for good measure…


Creating Unnecessary Work

A logical person would assume that a doctor would seek to reduce appointments.
Firstly, they tell you to only make an appointment about one health issue at a time as appointments are restricted to ten minutes.
Yes, you’re almost hilariously expected to make three appointments if you have, for example, three separate health issues.

Next up, you tell them your symptoms and they look at you with the arrogance of a royal on horseback, all from a meta-throne that society has created, inculcating doctors with the notion that they are all somehow noble and deserving of unwavering respect and worship.

The next step is to ignore or downplay any of the symptoms you have described as they desperately scrabble to recall anything from medical school. Before proceeding to make up things on the fly. Doctors are experts at ad libs: they should switch to acting. They’d kill less people.

Doctors are the most condescending breed of people I’ve ever encountered, especially within one particular profession.

You can go to an appointment with a very specific symptom: they’ll find a way to filibuster – and will attempt to convince you (usually while staring at you like a terminator) that what you have described is ‘highly unlikely’.

What’s that? You’d like to see a specialist regarding your throat issue?
Not so fast!
Denial Man/Woman is here to save the day!

To give an example, I have been to a GP about a particular issue probably about four times in four years.
They couldn’t give a fuck.
Only after a fifth visit, was a I granted access to the wonderland of a specialist appointment and made to feel as if I had just drowned a bag of kittens such was the expression on the doctors face as they glumly accepted that they ought to refer me.

Gatekeepers Are Never Good

In any realm, when there are gatekeepers to a particular domain it’s never a good thing. They wield far too much power without any consequence.
GPs act like surly bouncers, desperate to find any way to prevent someone from entering Club Health.
You’re not getting in with those trainers on…
Or if you sound like you might know what the hell is wrong.

Given GPs are so utterly shit, it’s a terrible system to have in place regarding something as important as, I don’t know…health!
I suspect it’s a very deliberate tactic to reduce the number of people that even bother to call a GP until it’s terminal, ever see a specialist, or go for an operation – or live.
Which is absurd because a healthy civilisation is a happier more contented and productive one. GDP baby!

The latest line from GPs is farcical.
‘What do you think should be done?’ (this is after you’ve explained everything).
Well you’re the wealthy paid up medical professional, I was kinda hoping you might be able to deal with that one doc.

I’d genuinely be happier if I went to a GP and for once they just said, I don’t know wtf the issue is.

I saw a doctor recently, described exactly what the issue is, and she said she couldn’t notice anything wrong.
If these doctors were mechanics, they’d convince you that the exhaust hanging off is just part of ageing, and the flat tire should heal itself if you take some ibuprofen.

The other thing to watch out for is ‘the trap’.
You describe the health issue you have and include some medical words.
Big no no.
Never ever, ever, make the doctor feel like you know more than they do. How dare you, you pissant/peasant!!
The doctor will brush aside anything you’ve said, do a minor examination and declare it a mystery (anything they’re unaware of), batting away your credibility with the ease of a major league slugger, gaslighting you in the process.

You Know Best

Ultimately, you end up having to fight for your right to see a specialist and that can take multiple appointments with multiple doctors (and British experts are a bit like an average level competency anywhere else).
If you value your life, you do it, and sadly that’s just the way it is. It’s an absurd dance to get past the guard, but one they make people do. It wastes their time and yours.

I don’t think I can do my anger at the state of British GPs justice in words. Beyond the humorousness, it’s truly abysmal, a further reminder that society and civilisation in the UK (5th RICHEST!!!) is nowhere near where it should or could be as it festers in the juices of tradition and sadism.
I’ve had enough of being gaslit by parents, politicians, and media outlets, the last thing I need is for doctors to try and deny reality as well.

So remember this next time you need medical insight: you know your body better than anyone else does.

And if you don’t, where have you been?

1 thought on “GPs: Generally Useless Doctors

  1. Exactly my experience too. My Doctor (I actually have never seen the same one twice) is always running late and has been known to print out from the internet advice for my symptoms.

    Why do we have GPs?


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