Russell Brand And Julian Assange: Disturbing Similarities?

I’M not going to get into this too much, mainly because the details regarding Russell Brand are murky at this stage, but just to point out some similarities between him and government-exposer, Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks revealed what anyone with a critical mind already thought: that America’s foreign policy and cover ups are as bad or worse than expected. But with concrete evidence.

Perhaps coincidentally or not, after some time, with the US desperate to get Assange extradited, there was a rape accusation against Assange that supposedly took place in Sweden.
Sweden refused to extradite, and eventually the rape charge was dropped.

Now, Russell Brand, is being accused of rape and sexual misconduct.
You might know him as an actor or comedian.
Well, in the last few years he’s been channelling his energies into exposing and talking about a plethora of corruption, from crooked pharmaceuticals companies, to Bill Gates unnerving influence in the food and science sector, such as meddling with India’s farming practices, and also various politicians and other sociopathic scum that need to be held to account not least gaslighting, illogical unethical policies that make the world a worse place.

With over 6 million subscribers on YouTube and over 1.1 billion views, Russell Brands reach is significant, especially to a younger audience that rarely watch standard TV anymore.

Attacking the establishment and big business is reason enough for them to target Russell Brand.
They don’t like being exposed for shameless policies and global corruption all that much as it turns out.
So, like Assange, it seems a little convenient that Brand has had an allegation out of the blue when he’s reached a very real presence in highlighting governmental lies and manipulation, corruption, greed etc etc as well as the legitimate evil of many other rich and ‘powerful’ entities.

I have no idea if Russell Brand is guilty of what he’s been accused of obviously, but a large chunk of the British public from I can see have already formed in their minds that he is a rapist.

The fact news outlets are complicit in putting the allegations out there seems unlawful, and that goes for anyone. But they aren’t.
Allegations before trial just turns into a witch hunt regardless of the outcome afterwards.

What is fucking baffling is how the UK government has found time to make a comment on the scenario (as below), just as they found the time to harass and bully Gary Lineker over an accurate tweet.
Fascism is here in some form or another.

On that note, I hope Russell isn’t guilty obviously, as that would mean that a woman has suffered.

But it won’t take away from the fact that what Russell Brand has been discussing and exposing on his channel and elsewhere besides is entirely legitimate, that the world as it is is utterly and grotesquely corrupt.
And as has happened throughout history, those who speak the truth publicly about the wrongdoings, and sociopathic evil their era, are typically gotten rid of by whatever means necessary.

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