I Had A Story Idea

world in our hands idea

…I HAD AN idea once. No, wait, that makes me sound like I’ve only had one. I’ve had at least three in my lifetime…

Seriously, I had an idea for a story about a planet where there is a master race who control all the resources, they turn it into a giant mine and exploit every living organism in it. There were many different kinds of people – the ones who controlled everything – and all the others. And there were chains of hierarchy whereby the rich enslaved the poor. Not necessarily in chains, attached to a desk, not like that. More in a subtle kind of way, like some people far far away would spend twelve hours a day stitching footwear together so the wealthy could buy them and parade them around until a small patch of dirt on the white fabric made them hideous and unwearable ever again.

Or that people would be forced to feed prawns and peel them, from boats on which they would be prisoner, because the company who enslaved them had armed guards to make sure they didn’t leave. Then I had an even better one, idea that is, focusing on an apple factory where workers were so sick and tired of earning a pittance from their laborious lives behind a factory wall, they decided to kill themselves. Which lets face it, is entirely selfish seeing as people need to make phone calls in another part of the world on brand new devices.

One way or another, whether ghost-slavery or blatant, this planet destroyed itself because the imbalance was so pronounced that it literally stopped spinning. Just for good measure, they killed off all the beautiful animals too.Then I realised, it wasn’t even fiction…

Repost 06:02:2014

12 thoughts on “I Had A Story Idea

  1. Who needs dystopia when you have reality huh? Clever piece and scarily accurate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think someone said, nothing is based on fiction, everything is based on reality. Pretty scary 😯


  2. Let’s hope we realise in time !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think on some level it had dawned. But being humans, largely, nobody cares. Long term thinking is not something people excel at.


  3. Have you read Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard? (It bears hardly no resemblance to the crappy movie.) Your post brought the book to mind–the slavery aspect of it. It’s been years since I read it, but the book has stayed with me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard of it but not read it. Am I right in thinking his sci fi is actually very good? (too bad about the scietology aspect).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have really enjoyed his fiction, even though I don’t agree with him personally. Battlefield Earth is my all-time favorite.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful as always, Lion!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks syeda. I posted it a couple years ago (my creativity has declined since my major edit began) but it seems more and more relevant each year.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no Lion, you’re words have been consistently awesome. Though I saw the date when it was posted, yet I don’t find any decline, they have been right on target! Good luck for all you doing! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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