A Long Way to Fall – SHORT STORY

Copyright Alex Ichim
Copyright Alex Ichim

Why didn’t he just kill himself?”

They raised a knowing eyebrow, concentrating on the ‘road’ as the headlights shot the dark until it bled halogen.



That one word killed the noise of the car as they flew away from Osaka into the mountains, a myriad of searching lights behind them spat from the outskirts. A humid night, a hot pursuit.

Thinking it over as we tilted and veered within ten feet of dark green tree tops, I tapped my fingers on the arm rest in agitation.

“Wait! That’s the exact opposite of Japanese custom.”

“He’s American…remember.”

I didn’t like his tone, the delivery was like iced steel, condescending. In fact he’d scarcely looked me in the face since we high tailed it from the shipping district.

“Well, he changed his name from Michael to Takumi, married a Japanese angel and speaks…spoke…Japanese better than most of us. That song was written about him, that cheesy one, from way back, I mean waayyy back.” I clicked my fingers trying to remember as Soshi guided the craft deeper into the beyond, a lake of mercury to the left absorbing the downdraft. “I think I’m turning Japanese! That’s the lyrics. Remember it?”

They raised their top lip, a minimal no.

“Michael aka Takumi thought he was Japan. What I’m getting at really is, he knew they were going to get him before us. The Takumi I knew and studied would have ended it all by his own hand.” I paused as we jerked upwards following the leafy tarmac. Glancing back the lights had disappeared. We’d lost them. For now.

“Knowing their methods we’ll never get him. Not alive. It would be unreasonable to think he can make it. What a sobering thought, the gangs had better leads than us.” I looked at Soshi, his eyes focused ahead, his long face tight with tension. “Why so silent? You’re never silent.”

Without looking at me, he talked from the corner of his mouth, begrudgingly, rapid fire. “Forget about Takumi!”

We flew in silence, rising with the hills and rolling off their backs into misty valleys, over waters before Soshi slowed down above a sprawling mass of woods until we hovered directly above a deciduous canopy flailing underneath us.

“I need a cigarette.”

A day ago I would have assumed he was joking. Dipping into his breast pocket he pulled out a slender metal stick, about three inches long. Taking the cap off revealed a glowing length of dazzling green like a miniature uranium rod. He took a toke, relaxing in his seat. The vapour smelt like artificial citrus.

I thought on the previous few days, of the dashes through shipping containers, down streets and over boats, across warehouses, down alleys and through the labyrinthine monorail stations: I’d been on my feet so long I needed a new pair of shoes already. The mystical Takumi had eluded us once more. All I knew of him was from grainy footage, rough cut audio and files so numerous they were like phone books, if phone books still existed, enough for every citizen in Osaka, maybe even Kobe. Soshi had been trying to track him down for the past decade, leading every investigative effort. I’d been drafted in under a year ago. It never quite made sense due to my inexperience, but opportunities were to be gripped with unrelenting pressure.

Pondering the case I watched as the headlights blazed a quarter mile ahead, noticing a bird flicker through the beams. I looked across at Soshi absent mindedly wondering why he was aiming his gun at me.

My passenger door opened vertically, the wind pulling on anything loose, the electric whine mingled with the rustling of trees as I clung to the arm rest, fear and confusion turned on full bore, the sluice gates opened as my body cooled in half a beat.

“Shhtt! Shut the fuck up for once,” he said his eyes like dead laser beams. “Do you recognise the forest? Aokigahara…the suicide forest. You might think back, to when you opened your incessant mouth and think of the irony. Maybe the trees will save you.” He swung over and kicked me hard in the chest, the wind now lacking in it all around me as I was falling, as the pieces of the puzzle fell with me, into place, as the upper branches embraced me pulling me into the darkness. Who else but me could fall to my death while simultaneously solving the case. I laughed as I plummeted back first, the longest fall, knowing Soshi had concocted Takumi, perhaps one of the greatest illusions never known.


lion around 2

24 thoughts on “A Long Way to Fall – SHORT STORY

  1. Love this. The ending reminded me of one of my favorite movie quotes “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist,”

    Great story. Caught us by surprise AGAIN.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. haha surprises are always good 🙂
      Thank you for the read LA

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh I do love how you revealed more and more of your world and description of the character until that great conclusion.. Great write.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your mind is a limitless mine of gems! Loved it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your kind words are really appreciated dajena no r ☺

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am happy they are – with “r” 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh dear! (Isn’t that becoming my patented line on your comments section! 😱)
    Amazing story Lion! Kept be hooked on, and what a way to solve the case.
    Loved reading it! — as usual😋!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks as always syeda (get oh dear trademarked 🙂 )
      I’m glad you enjoyed it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Honestly, I love reading your works. Really inspires me though I could never write something of the same genre! 😄😄

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Grazie! How is part 7 shaping up of your series?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hahaha! “Not a single word written” phase! Lazyy me!! 😇😇

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Nice!! This was good work here Fionn! Your very own Kaiser Soze, but in the future. Great story! Love the pacing and twist.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Malakhai. It’s funny you say that, I never thought of The Usual Suspects until the very end and the Kaiser character did cross my mind.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What gave him away? Did I miss something?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh crist, was not loged on. Alaska here.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. He was beginning to know too much. Perhaps it wasnt clear, in which case my fault, but Soshi was doing what he needed to hide his secret.


  7. What an amazing ending! Intriguing story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanking you kindly Magarisa ☺
      Not sure where the idea came from, but then thats the case for 99% of them.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yep, those tend to be the best ideas. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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