The Deadly Danger of False Media Narratives

Palestinian buildings razed

BEING gaslit by a family member or friend is emotional abuse, and often hard for an outsider to spot.
Being gaslit by the media is no different however, in that you the viewer or consumer are subjected to reality-fabric-ripping in order to benefit the initiator with the aim to align your views with the creator of the lies.

Gaslighting is the term of the decade.
For those of you who don’t understand the meaning of the term, it is a psychological tool that seeks to alter your reality in line with an abuser.
For example: You walk into the living room and turn the light off. You go to the bedroom and lie down with the abuser. They get up and return angry: Why didn’t you turn the light off in the living room?
But…I just did. Didn’t I?

And through manipulation the abuser manages to convince you that you didn’t turn the light off.
An innocuous enough example, but used time and time again with the targets own reality repeatedly questioned, they begin to believe the abuser and it’s a short road to hell where reality is whatever they want it to be and the target becomes neurotic and uncertain of themselves, of their own mind and actions.
Over a long enough timescale, the abuser essentially becomes a parasite in the targets mind and runs them like an object, controlling their life.

What the heck has that got to do with the media?

Just about everything.
For a start, the mainstream media sticks to approved messages and propaganda they want to disseminate. Think back to Covid-19 for perhaps the most global, wide reaching pre-scripted drug pushing policy backed by big pharma and corrupted entities intertwined with that. There was one narrative. And it was mostly a lie.

One of the most pernicious lies relates to the Israel vs Palestine conflict that has been almost entirely biased since 1948.
Israel = good.
Palestine = bad.
All in various ways.
But the message has remained the same in Western media with criminal levels of misinformation, disgraceful levels of media bias, propaganda and the newer iterant: if you support Palestine you’re an anti-Semite.

If I meet a French person I dislike, and state that, nobody would care, it would be an irrelevance.
But somehow we’re at the point where Israel has brainwashed people into thinking that saying anything against any Israeli or Jewish person ever is some sort of crime worthy of blacklisting.
If you call out a murderous Jewish Zionist for their deplorable stance against Palestine, they are trying to maintain it as a standard across all media, that you will be shut down.
And if you’re funded or backed by advertising, or have any links to Israeli-US funding, you get told you cannot say anything pro-Palestine or you’re done.
Which is enough to shut most people up, because they have so little integrity.

The Israeli regime is attempting to obliterate the narrative that they are to blame for anything, that Palestine is the big bad wolf.
Which is preposterous if you know the basics of the entire conflict surrounding the two neighbours. And if you don’t you have no valid opinion on the matter.
Logic itself has been attacked to the point that even the slightest hint of sympathy for Palestine supposedly means someone is an anti-Semite.
Which is evidently absurd.

If you can successfully alter reality in the media space which Israel has done incredibly well, that’s a highly dangerous situation, and highly dangerous regarding any topic.
But as we know most people don’t watch the news then read up about the creation of Israel post-WWII to get to grips with the nuances. At a conservative estimate, at least 70% of people either don’t care, or they accept the narrative, or they don’t question the narrative or they vehemently support the narrative from a position of ignorance.
None of that is helpful, or just.

Ideology is a slippery bastard in the hands of those with bad to murderous intentions.
I hope in this age of access to facts, that can be turned or curbed at least, but stunningly, I don’t see all that much change.

In Scotland, a former-Celtic footballer was saying some Scottish fans should be banned for waving Palestine flags.
As if it is a crime.
And that’s the ideological power Israel hardcores have, to twist and bend the narrative and reality itself from them being the perpetrator to the oppressed.
I was thinking you can’t make this stuff up…but yes, they absolutely can by manipulating the media on a near global scale.
None of that is helped in that the US heavily backs Israel to the tune of billions per year and the UK is also heavily affiliated.

Let’s get one thing clear here.
You can be against the Israeli states ideology, but not anti-Semitic. It shouldn’t really have to spelt out, but from social media experiences you simply get bombarded with hatred from Israel supporters/bots for having the slightest ounze of sympathy for the Palestinians, who have suffered as a country and as a people, for the best/worst part of 70 years when Israel was created.
It’s no coincidence the media almost completely ignores the amount of Palestinian designated territory that has been gobbled up illegally by Israelis, for just one example of an inescapable injustice that media tries to bury.

Add in the religious bullshit and to me in the year 2023 these scenes should not be replaying in a sick groundhog day.

Of all people post-WW II, you would think the Jewish people would have some compassion for others given their horrific experience.
You would think there would be an absolute thirst for peace and stability, an uncommunicably strong desire to ensure nothing similar happens again to them or anyone else.
And yet, here we are, many years on from 1948, and for decades there has been ceaseless violence, human rights abuses and theft of territory by Israel, mostly unchecked because Israel is pretty much seen as untouchable due to its alliances.
A narrative that desperately needs to change, because while they have been the victim of attacks, they are also wholly complicit in turning the average Palestinians life into a misery, essentially an extended camp in which Israel controls what goes out and comes in.

The real situation is that Israel is very wealthy, massively armed (quite the money maker) and backed by powerful countries.
And yet they refuse to be the peacemaker or seeker of solutions.
Israel has been and continues to be like a sadistic cat playing with a mouse. It doesn’t kill the mouse. It plays with it, tortures it, terrifies it, and then leaves it alone for awhile, but the mouse knows it’s there and that it will be back.
My only mistake there is the metaphor of a cat for humans: a totally unfair comparison in terms of ethics.

Lastly, any death is a disgrace in Gaza or anywhere else nearby. It’s 2023 for fuck sake.
The conflict has become a slow burn torture.
At this point nobody should be attacking the other, but humans have a habit of not forgetting things and continuing to repeat the same sad – and deadly – mistakes.
Of course Palestine attacking Israel this time was wrong and only going to have one outcome: Israel declaring a state of war.
Slightly ironic, given that’s been the covert or not so covert modus operandi for some time.

One majorly overlooked thing in the torture zone, is that it’s the most basic human psychology at play.
Palestinians have nowhere to go, and even less with the amount of land Israelis have stolen and settled (that’s a certifiable fact btw). When you’re in a hopeless situation and get poked again and again, attack is the only outcome.

Despite everything you’ll see in the media from the past decades, there are a lot of Israeli’s, and Jewish people who do not support Israel’s genocidal stance against Palestine, but of course that doesn’t suit the reality they want you to experience so it is never discussed publicly on legacy media.
Talk about paranoid…

And let’s not forget, as with any war, genocide or anything requiring weaponry, there are profiteers.
Insider trading is supposedly illegal, but who might have the inside edge on a new ‘need’ for weapons?
Hmmm, politicians perhaps?
Stocks are bought up behind the scenes and politicians whose wages are not enough to satisfy their greed, simply make millions in the shadows, exploiting the system and uncaring about investing in a morally reprehensible sector.
And don’t forget conflict = money, so there’s often an invested interest in wars and violence and death.
Sick doesn’t quite cover it.

Don’t they look cute together? Two fascist turds.

Fortunately, people do seem to be waking up a bit to the murderous, Zionist agenda. A touch late but better than never and hopefully there can actually be peace and prosperity for Palestine and Israel.
How it happens is anyone’s guess, but there’s no denying that Israel with its wealth and military has to take the lead. But Netanyahu, an absolute evil, seems unlikely to do so, however, there’s a lot of political unrest in Israel with the new Netanyahu regime that has made mind blowing changes to laws to almost enshrine Netanyahu’s corrupt sociopathic party.

There is a way to end the conflict.
But does anyone want to do that?

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